Tuesday, 29 November 2016

IAVE World Volunteer Conference – Mexico City

November 2016 brought Durham University Staff Volunteering to the International Association for Volunteer Effort (IAVE) World Volunteer Conference in Mexico City.  Founded in 1970, IAVE exists to promote, strengthen and celebrate volunteering in the myriad ways it happens throughout the world. The conference, running over three full days brought together volunteering organisations and professionals from over 70 countries. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

NHS at FACT (21st June)

Yesterday a team from the NHS Patient Services volunteered at FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together) in Swalwell.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Summer is coming

It's been a quiet few weeks both on the blog and in the office. There's been a lot of admin and emails trying to pin down dates for departments.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Fancy volunteering with us?

At Staff Volunteering and Outreach we offer all Durham University staff the opportunity to volunteer within the community up to five working days a year, subject to line manager approval (pro-rata for part time members of staff).

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Dogs Trust Open Challenge (25th May)

As you would expect, dog based volunteering days are very popular. We have a number of Open Challenges throughout the year and every time the newsletter is sent out with dates, the spaces are filled within minutes. No joke, we’ve timed it!

Monday, 23 May 2016

DUBS at Ushaw College (12th May 2016)

Another gloriously fine day saw another successful team challenge. Staff from the Business School, who are situated at Ushaw College, volunteered right on their doorstep. 

 Ushaw College was founded in 1808 and until 2011 it was the principal Roman Catholic seminary in the north of England for the training of Catholic priests. Now the Trustees of Ushaw College are looking at restoring the buildings and grounds.

 The team completed a multitude of tasks including weeding, planting irises, strawberries and roses, as well as path raking and flattening.
Overall the group really enjoyed the day and are already looking forward to doing it again!

NHS at The Stroke Association (10th May 2016)

A group of volunteers from the NHS Call Centre Services left their desks and ventured out into the glorious sunshine for a day of gardening with The Stroke Association.

Hidden in the middle of the Team Valley industrial estate is Marquisway Centre which, amongst many facilities, has a life after stroke garden which is utilised by members.