Wednesday 22 June 2016

NHS at FACT (21st June)

Yesterday a team from the NHS Patient Services volunteered at FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together) in Swalwell.

FACT was established in 2008 and have grown each year ever since. They have charity shops in the Tyne and Wear area with the hope of one day expanding across the whole of the North East. The charity offers support services to people affected by cancer and their families and friends. Services include, Pilates, coffee mornings, circuit training and walking to name just a few.

FACT have just moved office from the Team Valley so a bit of decorating was in order. The team split into two with one half painting a common room and the other wrapping tombola prizes. In a few short hours, the room had a whole new feel and the decorators were still smiling despite paint somehow transferring through the coveralls to their clothes. The tombola team wrapped probably in the region of about 100 prizes though they don't want to see Cellophane any time soon!

Like previous NHS team days, the group were so pleased to have helped out and be out the office for a day. A success all round!


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