Thursday, 17 October 2013

Apple Harvest Day

Crabapples, rose hips, rowans and elderberries collected from Durham University English Department Garden
Another joint staff-student volunteering opportunity saw us team up with Fruitful Durham to harvest fruit from the University Grounds.

"Every year tonnes of freely available wild fruit goes to waste in and around Durham because as a society we have become increasingly reliant instead on purchasing fruit from supermarkets which has often been unnecessarily shipped thousands of miles. Many people no longer feel they have the knowledge or skills to use hedgerow crops, nor the time to find and collect it, and have lost an awareness of the seasonality of produce. This contributes to a massive global wastage of finite resources, supporting ultimately unsustainable lifestyles both here and in other countries and creating a lack of connection to the infinitely rich potential available within our own community. Fruitful Durham aims to offer a local solution to this problem."