Tuesday, 4 December 2012

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Van Mildert Lake revealed from the undergrowth

It was thanks to a team of enthusiastic volunteers that Van Mildert Lake was once again revealed from its undergrowth. It took a handful of volunteers, a range of tools and a couple of day’s work, to cut down trees, weed, and tidy up the banks of the lake. With a ready supply of tea and biscuits, and a number of impressed student onlookers, it took no time at all to dramatically improve the appearance of the lake. With the weather also on side, the volunteers had a very enjoyable day and managed to achieve more than was expected. 

With the lake being such a key feature to Durham University’s Van Mildert College, it is no doubt that all students and staff living and working on the site will greatly appreciate and recognise, the hard work and dedication of all the volunteers involved in this team challenge. 

Feel like getting involved? Check out the recommended links tab to find out about our latest volunteering opportunities...and don't forget you can stay updated by following us on Facebook too.

Strong volunteers clearing the debris!

Volunteers disappearing behind the undergrowth!

What we do...

We aim to support the region by connecting with the local voluntary and community sector. Durham University offers one of the leading staff volunteering schemes in the UK and is the one of the few universities offering such an innovative community engagement programme to every member of staff.